Friday, 16 September 2011

Week 1 Day 5/84

85% to completing week 1! What a long, but short week it’s been. I guess it seems like I've been doing this quite some time, although the weeks flown by! I'm feeling really good, I haven't had any crazy cravings, or desire to eat bad foods, I'm enjoying my workouts and overall feeling good about taking this time out for myself and treating my body as the temple it should be! I have a few challenges ahead, but "what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger!"

I'm flying out to Toronto for business at the beginning of November, week 8 of the challenge. I'm not sure what to expect, with the time change, jet leg etc. I will however take the steps to ensure I don't sabotage myself, i.e., be sure to pack my protein with me, make sure the hotel has a fitness center, take no jet leg vitamins, and lastly, stick to fruits and vegetables. Shouldn't be too hard, but I hope being lazy and on business doesn't get the best of me. I do however feel I'm at my up most alertness once I've exercised, so this should keep me going for this seminar!

Tomorrow Miss J is taking my photos and doing my measurements, I wish I had been more on the ball and asked her last weekend when we hung out, but I was having my last indulgence and weighing, measuring and taking my picture was the last thing that would have crossed my mind!

I felt great after a good night sleep last night, I even pre packed everything so I could sleep in till 5:45 this am, and then grab a quick bit to eat and head to the gym....although I think I ate too much breakfast cause it affected my warm up, and overall feeling at the gym- I may have to consider eating breakfast after a workout

5:50am Breakfast 
High fibre cereal with skim milk/ 1 slice of whole wheat bread w/ P&J
*Way too much food for first thing in the am

6:25am Gym Time!
15mins treadmill: 1-3min 4.0-4.5mph 3-15mins 5.0mph- 0 incline.
*(so exhausted, really needed to work up to even 5.0mph)

Upper Body Work out:
Chest: Barbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Flys (Machine)

Shoulder Press

Back: Wide-Grip Pull downs
Seated Cable Rows

Biceps: Standing Double Curl
Bicep Extention (Curl)

Triceps: Tricep Extention
Bench Press

7:30am Snack: Protein Shake

10:30am (Protein Bar) I just picked this up and ate it without even thinking I already had a shake!

12:00am Lunch:
Spinach salad w/cucumber, tomato, light feta, 1 hardboiled egg, light creamy Caesar dressing 

2:30pm Snack: Hard boiled egg
6:00pm Dinner
Pizza: Whole wheat pita, light shredded cheese, light ham, sugar free tomato, pineapple

8:15 pm Snack: Protein pudding

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