Monday, 19 September 2011

Week 2 Day 8/84

Wahoo! I made it through week 1 feeling strong! well, mentally strong- the physical will come! I can’t wait until the results start forming! This weekend was really wonderful and really, the true test of motivation! I went to the gym to do my HIT cardio workout and ate pretty good- I splurged on Hummus and pita, and then D made a wonderful bday dinner for my mom (pasta!)...and I may have had 4 vodka waters....opps!- I contributed the salad, you know to balance it out! Haha.

Although I had a shaddy sleep last night (many things running through my mind) and even while trying to meditate, I continued to try and push those thoughts aside and focus on one single thing. This is a new mantra I’m trying, as I find I sleep better (or it could very well be my new lifestyle change that is helping me sleep) regardless something’s working! Except for last night! Eventually I feel asleep and didn’t have too much of a problem waking up to get to the gym.

I had a lot of energy last night, I was actually sorting out my house and getting myself organized. I’ve been living in such a frenzy that last few months that how I felt about myself was really reflected in the way my house looks/looked (It’s still a work in progress!). I plan to finish that tonight and get my course organized to I can hit the library after work to complete it!

“Those to fail to plan, plan to fail.” ~Unknown

5:50am Breakfast: High fibre cereal w/skim milk

6:30am Gym

15 min run on treadmill at 5.5mph 0 incline

Lower Body Workout
Leg extensions
Forward Lung
Standing Calf rises
Arm leg lift
Lateral Crunch

** I REALLY need to step up these weights on the hamstrings and quads...I also REALLY need to write down my weight lifted so I have something to compare and be consistent too!

7:30pm- Protein Shake

11:30am- ½ Whole wheat pita w/lean ham, chicken seasoned with taco mix, pineapple and pizza sauce. My fav spinach salad. (So hungry!)

2:30pm- Protein Bar

6:30pm- Dinner
Egg Pasta 1 cup, extra lean ground turkey, w/tomato sauce, light shredded marble cheese and parmesan topped off with cottage cheese 1/4c

7:45pm- English tea w/skim milk tsp sugar (I splurged...)

I was so full after this that I wasn't hungry to get another protein in- I took in a lot of protein at dinner and didn't even manage to eat my salad that was sitting in the fridge waiting for me- I'll just have that for lunch.

Miss J stopped by to complete my measurements. Needleless to say I felt massive! But on a positive note, I’ve already noticed my tummy has gone down a bit and I’m not feeling overly bloated. Especially it being that time of the month and all. I’m trying to avoid going onto the scale because I feel that it could be a huge disappointment. I do know however that muscle weighs more than fat, but it’s the old school ways that overcome my thoughts!

Bed: 10:30pm

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