Thursday, 31 May 2012

Write down your goals, and reiterate!

So I began this year taking on two challenges, eat healthy/ exercise more AND put a out a War On Debt!

Reflecting back on the last 5months, I have realized that although day to day, I don’t feel change is happening, I need to remember to celebrate the small successes, ie actually going to the gym, setting out small goals and achieving them etc. There has been significant CHANGE and I need to take time once and awhile to reflect on what I have accomplished, not what I have yet to accomplish.

With that being said, here are some highlights of the achievements:

To date I have lost almost 20lbs, through a few obstacles; ie my appendix, travel for work AND Vacation! I have managed to work out and get on a great work out program which I’m beginning to see the transformation in my body! I’m so stoked to see what else is to come!

Pantry Challenge: I managed to eat out of my pantry for a lot longer than I anticipated, and although I did go to the grocery store a couple of times; I still eating out of my pantry! (Mostly breakfast food!)

War on Debt: Not only did I start applying the principals to my life, but something AMAZING took place. I reconnected with an employer I used to work for years ago, someone; God, or the “higher power” connected us in the most amazing way, and through them I’ve been introduced to their By Design group. Through this group you touch on different areas of your life, and making positive change. Within this  group, you are surrounded with “Like Minded” people who want to achieve not only their highest good, but the highest good of others, and to me, these are the types of people you want to surround yourself with! In fact, through this entire 5 months this year, my life has taking a huge transformation, and I’ve noticed it impact my relationship with Graeme on so many levels. I have also seen positive change in him, and good things happen to him. He actually is considering going to First Step to Success with me!! He is also understanding what I was trying to practise from what I learned through Dani Johnson which is “"If you can be trusted with what's in front of you, then you'll be promoted to something bigger". Needless to say last night we cleaned out our vehicles because we need to love and appreciate that which we have!

Also, in order to receive more in our life we need to release what we have, I hope to get some things together for a garage sale taking place at a Church. Hopefully I can sell some things and use that money to pay off some DEBT!

Currently that is were this stand. I hope to start the next week out in charge, as this past week I’ve been exhausted, hungry and unmotivated at home and at work, however I’ve managed to keep up the workouts...I need to remember that when I’m doing something, I need to give it 110% in all areas that require me.

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