Thursday 31 May 2012

Write down your goals, and reiterate!

So I began this year taking on two challenges, eat healthy/ exercise more AND put a out a War On Debt!

Reflecting back on the last 5months, I have realized that although day to day, I don’t feel change is happening, I need to remember to celebrate the small successes, ie actually going to the gym, setting out small goals and achieving them etc. There has been significant CHANGE and I need to take time once and awhile to reflect on what I have accomplished, not what I have yet to accomplish.

With that being said, here are some highlights of the achievements:

To date I have lost almost 20lbs, through a few obstacles; ie my appendix, travel for work AND Vacation! I have managed to work out and get on a great work out program which I’m beginning to see the transformation in my body! I’m so stoked to see what else is to come!

Pantry Challenge: I managed to eat out of my pantry for a lot longer than I anticipated, and although I did go to the grocery store a couple of times; I still eating out of my pantry! (Mostly breakfast food!)

War on Debt: Not only did I start applying the principals to my life, but something AMAZING took place. I reconnected with an employer I used to work for years ago, someone; God, or the “higher power” connected us in the most amazing way, and through them I’ve been introduced to their By Design group. Through this group you touch on different areas of your life, and making positive change. Within this  group, you are surrounded with “Like Minded” people who want to achieve not only their highest good, but the highest good of others, and to me, these are the types of people you want to surround yourself with! In fact, through this entire 5 months this year, my life has taking a huge transformation, and I’ve noticed it impact my relationship with Graeme on so many levels. I have also seen positive change in him, and good things happen to him. He actually is considering going to First Step to Success with me!! He is also understanding what I was trying to practise from what I learned through Dani Johnson which is “"If you can be trusted with what's in front of you, then you'll be promoted to something bigger". Needless to say last night we cleaned out our vehicles because we need to love and appreciate that which we have!

Also, in order to receive more in our life we need to release what we have, I hope to get some things together for a garage sale taking place at a Church. Hopefully I can sell some things and use that money to pay off some DEBT!

Currently that is were this stand. I hope to start the next week out in charge, as this past week I’ve been exhausted, hungry and unmotivated at home and at work, however I’ve managed to keep up the workouts...I need to remember that when I’m doing something, I need to give it 110% in all areas that require me.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Sometimes you need a break!

Last week I enjoyed a work trip to Montreal where I thoroughly enjoyed drinking wine, and eating fantastic food. I tried to be conscience of what I put in my month and did a good job, then just decided heck with it! I’m going to enjoy this! I managed to walk a lot and get two work outs in. However, my love for food didn’t subside when I arrived home, I enjoyed Thai, a bbq and more beverages! I think my body needed this however. As I have been training hard, and eating healthy I think I needed to “shock” my system. I did however get a hike and two runs in over the long weekend, I figured it was better than nothing!

I was afraid to weigh myself on the scale this past Sunday, but I acknowledge the fact that it will have to wait, I have to give my body this week to recover from last week’s “break” and figured the scale wouldn’t be a true result of my current status. On that note- although I’m thoroughly enjoying this weight loss, I am getting extremely frustrated with the lack of clothes that fit! I really don’t want to go out and buy clothes right now, because I want to save that for when I’m at my goal! Until then I’ll have to be creative with my wardrobe!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Happy Day!

Last night my girlfriend Jenn, (who I’ve mentioned before) is an Athletic Therapist. She took my measurements last night and it was so nice to see that my fat is turning into muscle. She did this by the fat pincher...(my name for it). It was reassuring to know that even though my lb’s aren’t moving drastically, that fat is turning into muscle and my measurements are going down!! Yahoo!! I went and weighed myself this morning and I’m officially out of the 170’s (which is awesome!!).  I just hope that I keep creeping down and not up! I have faith! I’m aiming for close to 160 by the middle of June!

Here are my measurements since September....
September 17, 2011 @ 7:00am 08-Oct-11 
Weight: 187 lbs (85kg)-3Weight 184 lbs (83.6 kg)-1
Height: 5’5 Height 5’5 
Waist circumference : 84 mm-3.5Waist circumference 80.5mm5.5
Skin folds: Skin folds: 
Bicep 24.07Bicep 31-10.5
Tricep 35.5-2.5Tricep 331
Subscapularis 31.5-3Subscapularis 28.55
Iliac crest 26.52Iliac crest 28.5-5.5
Calf 33.5-1.5Calf 32-2
Thigh 54.5-6Thigh 48.5-1.5
Measurements: Measurements: 
R thigh 66.5mm-1.5R thigh 65 mm-1.5
L thigh 66.0 mm-2L thigh 64 mm-1
Gluteal 116.5 mm-2Gluteal 114.5 mm-0.5
Waist 84 mm-3.5Waist 80.5 mm-
Chest 100mm1Chest 101mm1
R arm 34 mm0.5L arm 34.5 mm1.5
L arm 33 mm0.5R arm 33.5 mm1
 -17.5 -8.5
13-Nov-11 09-May-12
Weight 183 lbs (kg)-12Weight 171.5 lbs (kg)
Height 5’5 Height 5’5
Waist circumference 86mm-11Waist circumference 75.5 mm
Skin folds: Skin folds:
Bicep 22, 19=20.5-11Bicep 10, 9  =9.5
Tricep 35, 29, 33=34-7.5Tricep 26,27 , =26.5
Subscapularis 34, 33=33.5-13Subscapularis 20,22 =21
Iliac crest 24, 22=23-6Iliac crest 16,18 =17
Calf 29, 31=30-2Calf 25,31 =28
Thigh 45, 49=47 Thigh , =
Measurements: Measurements:
R thigh  63.5mm-2.5R thigh 61 mm
L thigh 63 mm0.5L thigh  63.5mm
Gluteal  114mm-6Gluteal  108mm
Waist  80.5mm-5Waist 75.5 mm
Chest 102mm-4Chest 98mm
L arm  36mm-0.5L arm  35.5mm
R arm  34.5mm-2R arm  32.5mm

Monday 7 May 2012


It's been fantastic having G on the same page as me with the healthy lifestyle. A few times we went for a hike, and it’s something I really enjoy doing! He however still enjoys his sweets, and it’s at times difficult to for me to be stern, yet passive because I know you need to have balance. He’s doing so well, and I find it so attractive his ambition, motivation and attitude in general! He’s looking really good too, and I LOVE and so look forward to our hikes! A few friends have joined us the last few times to hike Mt Finlayson and having that “like minded” people around makes a wonderful support group for living a healthy lifestyle.

I showed G my before and today’s pics and he was shocked at the difference. I guess when your around someone all the time you don’t really notice (although he had mentioned to be before that my mid section was looking smaller). It reminded me of the disappointment I have in myself for letting myself go like that. It’s so important for me to feel, and look good. Not only does diet and exercise help internally, but externally too- and the external is a reflection of how good the inside is J. I’m so looking forward to getting to where I would like to be, and I truly hope it’s in time for summer!! I do have two months before July, and I’m really hoping my 26th birthday I can have pictures taken with pride :D.

Friday 4 May 2012

4 Month Progress!

Well here we are....I've just completed 4 months (of Weight Watchers and the gym/running) and the pictures from the last 8 months are here (considering the first 4 months were awful for me on BFL) It still energized me to go with what I knew worked! So here are the "progress" results...

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Week 12

Here we are going into week 12; I’ve officially lost 11.5lbs, I wanted more to be gone, however I’ve had a crazy change of events, as well as Vacation which involved many Macadamia Clusters....

I had my appendix removed at the end of week 9 and didn’t do any form of exercise in week 10 and 11. Therefore, I’ve lost a little/maintained, which is excellent, however I would have liked to see myself loose at least 15lbs by now.

That being said, I’m on focus and more motivated then ever! I’ve finally fit into a pair of pants I haven’t worn in over a year and a half! And I’m so stoked! Also, G and I are going to Hawaii next March and I want to get that hot beach body back!

I’m finding the WW easy to follow now and I’m not scared of it! Especially because I’m seeing results! The running and going to the gym helps, so I’m looking forward to doing it full force!

I’ve started Dani Johnson’s program- First Steps to Success, and War on Debt, and I feel there’s some enlightenment in my life, some form of hope, and G too has turned his thinking around! One of the steps include: "eating out of your pantry" Yes...I'm taking on the challenge this week to eat out of my pantry...I'm seeing how long and how little money have to spend at the grocery store... It's going to take some creative thinking- but I think I'm up for the challenge. I need to make a list of the food I've got and put it into action!

I’ve recently signed up for school and will start plugging away at my designation! I’m pretty excited!

Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 3 Day 23

Holly smokes does time ever fly!!

I’ve been keeping up with my weight watchers (diligently!). As well a girlfriend and I have signed up for a half marathon running clinic. I was sick last week, so the only exercise I got was a day snowboarding (which left my feeling it the next day!). Thus far I have lost a total of 6lbs!! I’m pretty excited about that! I’m really looking forward to seeing some results! I was so upset when I saw a picture of me at New Years...I wanted to die! I couldn’t believe that I let myself go... Again, I really want that body I had while in the Dominican- and better!  I also hope to accomplish the half marathon in 2hrs (anything under 2:10 I suppose I’d be happy with!)...

G and I are getting ready to take off for a snowboarding trip to Montana with another couple, we are SO looking forward to the vacation, and I really hope to stick to my work out routine!

Hopefully by Monday I will be back to my gym routine, as I know that will only help the results show faster!

My goal....