So the last three weeks (maybe 4 weeks) have been terrible! I’ve eaten whatever my heart desired, drank whatever came my way and didn’t exercise except maybe 1 or 2 walks... TERRIBLE!
But I was back at the gym today and did my HIT 20mins on the treadmill, although I struggled a bit, I figure a few more times I’ll be back at it!
I’ve started the wild rose cleanse too, as I feel my body needs a good detox! I hope I can last the 12 days!!
I start my half marathon clinic next Thursday so I’m excited for that! – Here’s to being fit!!
I will continue to do BFL excerices, but I've decided against the meal plan. It doesn't work for me, too much food! I will continue keeping weight watcher points :)
BIG changes are to come this year! Fingers crossed! The results come as I want them!
Before I hit the gym this morning I had an apple along with the vitamins for WRC.
After my workout and shower I made myself some porridge with frozen berries and almond milk (actually pretty good!)
For a snack I had an apple with 12 almonds
Lunch I made up the night before a salad with avocado, green bell pepper, tomatoes, and strawberries with a WRC dressing: Olive oil, garlic, pepper, salt and lemon juice. I added a hardboiled egg for protein.
For my afternoon snack I had another hardboiled egg with an apple and a few more almonds
When I got home I had a hardboiled egg and of course popcorn with butter from the theatre.
I was craving anything and everything. I had a slight headache but I continued to drink a lot of water. I stopped in at my Grandparents house and was anxious to get home and eat. I ended up going to see a Movie with my brother and his girlfriend where I indulged in popcorn (which your allowed on the Wild Rose Cleanse- believe it or not) and I drank a huge thing of water ( I can’t believe people actually drink pop from those things!) - not a great choice for dinner...However, my eating for the day was all in all pretty good.